Shironeko – The Most Famous Sleepy Cat in The World
There are many awesome and beautiful cats in the world. However, no one can be as lovely as a cat from Japan – Shironeko. The cat named Shironeko meaning “white cat” in Japanese is known as the most relaxed cat in the world because his eyes seem to never open, always look like the dreamy-sleep state. Besides the sleepy eyes, Shironeko is loved by the fat body and the white fur. Moreover, his cool demeanor and impeccable fashion sense make him a feline supermodel. Of course, his hobby is sleeping, sleeping and sleeping. Shironeko can sleep everywhere from the garden to the house, from the floor to the table or even in a grocery bag. In general, Shironeko sleeps wherever he is comfortable.
The photos capture the moments when Shironeko is in dreaming status and his laziness has become a phenomenon in the international community networks. They make Shironeko become the most famous sleepy cat in the world.
Are you ready to fall in love with his cuteness?